Last I checked, there were three people named Brian K. Allen in the Seattle area. I am the photographer Brian K. Allen who is active in western Washington and in Alaska. I teach at the Photographic Center Northwest, and I help out at the Seattle Go Center. Most of my recent assignments involve careful documentation of historic buildings. I also explore the edges of the documentary process in my personal art work.

I have done a variety of documentary projects in the past, from photographing new buildings for American Institute of Architecture design competitions, to making portraits of Yupik elders in Kasigluk and Nunapitchuk, Alaska. I was a photographer for Harvard Yearbook from 1971-1976, and I completed the MA program at New York University/International Center of Photography during 1986-1989.

"Brian Allen Photography" in California is owned by a different photographer. "Allen's Photographic" in nearby Lake Forest Park, WA is also a different business. It was owned by Ralph and Mary Jo Allen, nice people; they did senior and family portraits. By the way, I have not played professional football. I am not Steve Allen’s son. I do not spell my name "Bryan" and I did not pedal the Gossamer Albatross across the English Channel, although I thought that was cool.

My business is currently licensed as "Brian Allen Photo" in both Alaska and Washington. In the past I have done business as "Brian Allen Photographer" in the State of Washington, and as "Brian Allen Photographer" and "Brian Allen Photography" in Alaska, going back to 1979.

running man 1978 with verdana


running man 1992 with date revised


running man 2001 adj with date


standing man 2016 with verdana